Thursday, June 28, 2012

7 Things Should Be Known by Every Bridesmaid

If you've been asked by the bride to be one of her bridesmaids ( purchase prom gowns ), you'll want to know how to fulfill your duties to support her and make her day go like a dream.

Here are 7 tips for the perfect wedding day:

Bridesmaid Dresses
1. The bridesmaids' dress shopping day

You need to find this out in advance, because you need to keep that day free.
If you have it already written in your diary, it will save stress and make the day a lot more fun and worry-free.
It is a good idea to make sure that you are not fussy on the actual shopping day, and to ease this it will be helpful if you sit and discuss the kind of things you all want to wear before leaving the house.
If the bridesmaids are of different sizes, say plus size or petite, it is important to find a style which suits everyone, or perhaps agree on buying fabric and going to a dressmaker who can tailor the dress to each individual.

2. What sort of hairstyle the bride wants you to have

It is very important to work this one out, because the bride will probably want you all to look uniform, and you need to know this in advance, so you can practice the style.
For example, if your bride wants you all to have a 60's style beehive for the wedding, this will need a huge amount of preparation and attention.
You may want to also work out whether or not all the bridesmaids will get together on the day and do each other's hairstyles.

3. What kind of shoes to wear

As well as choosing dresses, you will want to make sure that shoes are almost matching too.
Given the amount that has been spent on your bridesmaid's dress, make sure that the shoes are nice, and perhaps you should get together with the other bridesmaids for another shopping day.
You can get some nice satin pumps for a relatively cheap price, and these will look great with any outfit.

4. Whether or not you need to help out with any other part of the wedding

It is your job as a bridesmaid to lift the stress out of the day for the bride, so make sure that she is happy throughout the day, and not worrying too much.
Every wedding is unique, so there may be an odd job that the bride can give you to worry about on the day, whether that is to help the photographer find certain members of the family for photos or help the bride out with her make-up.

5. Where you need to be on the big day, and at what time

This is of prime importance. The bride will probably want your help in the morning, so ask what time you ought to arrive.
You may want to think about the whole timing of the day so you can get an overview of how things should be running, and therefore you can be more helpful

6. Church procession - the line up

This is important to help the day run smoothly, and you should find this out at a run-through before the wedding day.
Some of you may walk down individually, and some may walk with one of the best men.
It is also important that you find out how you should be walking down the aisle and also to practice the pace of your steps (it's easy to walk far too fast). If you are walking with someone else, rehearse walking in step with one another.
If you are having flower girls or pageboys, a rehearsal will help them to know what is expected and help them to feel less nervous.

7. How the bride visualizes the wedding, and your role in it

The bride will have certain expectations of you on the lead up to the wedding and on the actual day.
It is strongly recommended that you go out for a coffee soon after you've been asked to be bridesmaid and discuss this, as this eases stress and avoids disappointment and helps to clarify what is expected of everyone.
The bride will have a better wedding day as a result, and you will feel as though you have really helped her in that.
Make sure as well that you distinguish your role from that of the maid of honor, as she may well have a more involved role in the actual ceremony.
Finally - have a great day - keep smiling throughout and enjoy relaxing with your feet up once it's all over!

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