Thursday, April 19, 2012

10 Ways to Make Sure Your Wedding Isn't Boring

Attending a wedding may be a privilege, but sometimes it's not always a pleasure. The last thing a bride and groom want is 

for their wedding guests to spend the reception checking their watches. Here are 10 tips to keep any wedding guest yawns at 

1. Make introductions at the rehearsal.
A wedding brings together two families and sets of friends -- which usually means a big group of people who don't know each 

other awkwardly attempting small talk. The solution? Invite relatives and out-of-town guests to the rehearsal dinner to 

break the ice, and introduce those who might have common interests. (That uncle who always loved Top Gun? Definitely link 

him to your fiance's fighter pilot cousin). By the time the wedding rolls around, your guests will have met in a more 

relaxed atmosphere the evening before and (hopefully) keep the conversations going at the reception.
2. Stick to the schedule.
No one expects things to run with military precision (especially when it comes to rushing your older relatives), but you 

don't want to force your guests to idle around while you take your formal wedding pictures. This is where the cocktail hour 

comes in. Set up a lounge or shady courtyard for your guests to mingle, and equip the area with snacks, drinks, plenty of 

places to sit, and even a little music to set the mood and keep the party atmosphere alive.
3. Don't let guests go hungry.
Two words: hors d'oeuvres. Even if you plan on serving a full dinner at your reception, it's a good idea to have a few 

nibbles for your guests to nosh on while they wait for you and your new spouse to make your grand entrance -- lest your 

guests get bored and cranky. Mini empanadas, soup shooters, vegetable skewers, even fried macaroni and cheese balls are all 

great options (go for one-bite appetizers so guests can chat while they snack). Your guests will be refreshed from the 

ceremony -- and grateful for the sustenance.
4. Plan an exit strategy.
If you really want guests to be able to enjoy themselves at your reception, arrange for transportation to get them home 

safely afterward. Some couples choose to throw their reception in a hotel banquet hall and block off rooms for their 

guests, while others hire a shuttle service to run throughout the night. This extra consideration gives guests the freedom 

to relax (drink) without worrying about getting home safely when the party wraps up.
5. Consider your venue.
Of course, your budget will be a huge factor in determining where you throw your wedding, but picking an interesting 

reception site can go a long way toward keeping guests entertained. Many science museums will let you rent out their 

exhibit areas, and zoos often have banquet areas with the animals in full view. Even an otherwise bland reception space can 

be dressed up with dramatic decor or specialty entertainment (like a photo booth), so be sure to talk to your site manager 

about your options.
6. Work your seating chart.
There's nothing more uncomfortable than being the one couple at a table where you don't know anyone and everyone else went 

to high school together -- particularly if you can see friends laughing it up five tables away. A well-played seating chart 

is a cost-free way to make sure your guests spend time with people they like -- or even to set them up with someone new!
7. Put a time limit on toasts.
Yes, it's nice to hear words of encouragement and well wishes, but unless your friends are moonlighting as stand-up 

comedians, an overly long toast can easily go from sentimental to excruciating. Limit the number and length of toasts to a 

few key guests (think: maid of honor, best man, your parents), and let everyone get back to the party.
8. Bring in the...clowns?
Remember that scary clown/magician from your eighth birthday party? Today's specialty performers are nothing like that. The 

options for wedding entertainment span from tricked-out DJs to belly dancers to singing waiters -- these people are pros at 

making sure weddings aren't boring.
9. Think beyond wedding cake.
Wedding cakes are still a staple, but consider expanding the selection for those with a sweet tooth -- we're talking a full 

dessert bar with everything from whoopie pies, truffles, cupcakes, candies, along with local delicacies like fried Oreos or 

black-and-white cookies. The dessert bar can double as your wedding favor by setting out plastic bags or boxes for your 

guests to take a snack for the road.
10. Relax -- seriously.
Planning a wedding can be stressful, but when the day arrives, everyone will have more fun if you can overlook any little 

mishaps (and there's always something that goes slightly awry) and let loose. Think about it: Do you have fun at parties 

where the host is incessantly on edge? To avoid sabotaging your good mood, assign any last-minute tasks to a bridesmaid, 

relative, or your wedding planner -- and designate a friend who, if they observe you getting stressed, will ply you with a 

cocktail or two.

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